How to Make A Simple DVD Icon For your Movies

[Image: 30618892.png]

DVD template/PSD file:

ICO Conversion Website:

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[TUTORIAL] Glossy Text Effect

Glossy Text Effect

In this tutorial i will be showing you how to create the following good-looking Glossy Text Effect with Photoshop.
With just one text layer and a few layer styles you can have yourself a deliciously glossy emblem text effect in no time. Since the entire effect is done on a vector text layer, you’ll be free to change the font face or letters to suit your needs and still retain all of its styling. As a final touch, we’ll add a simple shadow to give it some perspective and realism.

Open Photoshop and set your canvas to 800×600. We’ll be using a dark perforated material for the background. This can easily be made by cutting out a pattern of circles from your background and applying a subtle bevel.

Next, lay out your type. I’m using black Trajan, 425px in size to cover most of our area. A couple of letters will do for now.
[Image: glossyemblem_02.jpg]

Now lets slap on a barrage of layer effects. Start off by selecting your text and going to Layer > Layer Style > Drop Shadow and enter in the settings below. Then continue down the list while paying close attention to each setting and blending mode. Also take note of the different contour maps being used. You can find a larger array of contour maps.
Drop Shadow

[Image: glossyemblem_03.jpg]
Inner Glow

[Image: glossyemblem_04.jpg]
Bevel and Emboss

[Image: glossyemblem_05.jpg]

[Image: glossyemblem_07.jpg]
Gardient Overlay

[Image: glossyemblem_08.jpg]
Then access the Gardient Editor.

[Image: glossyemblem_09.jpg]

[Image: glossyemblem_10.jpg]
Then acess the Gardient Editor of Stroke.

[Image: glossyemblem_11.jpg]

Glad you liked it.
And this is the final product:
[Image: glossyemblem_12.jpg]

[C#] - Protect Your Program From Task Manager

This disables the default windows task manager on a separate thread so it doesn't interfere with the rest of the program.

Uses a timer to constantly check for task manager and closes each found occurence.

private Thread taskmgrKill;

private void test()
Process[] taskMgr = Process.GetProcessesByName("taskmgr");
foreach (Process p in taskMgr)

private void tmr(object sender, EventArgs e)
taskmgrKill = new Thread(new ThreadStart(test));